Obligations of the employer by the new Law on Gender Equality
Date 20.04.2021. The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia brought the Law on Gender Equality. This law entered into force on 01.06.2021. years and brings with it certain newspapers that are established additional obligations for employers.
General obligations of employer
The employer and public authority is obliged to provide employees, or other working-engaged persons, respectively, respectively, to provide equal opportunities in relation to the exercise of employment and on the basis of work, ie other forms of working engagement.
Special obligations of employer
In addition to general, some employers also have special obligations when making a plan or work program as an obligation to report.
What is the plan and work program?
The plan or work program is a planning act in the field of gender equality issued by an employer and public authority.
Who is obliged to bring a plan and program?
Public authorities and employers who have more than 50 employees and employees, are obliged to determine and implement special measures depending on the goals needed to achieve their determination and implementation.
Special measures to protect and improve equality are determined and implemented on the basis of an annual plan or program of work that the employer should prepare in accordance with the law.
The plan must contain a part that refers to gender equality, especially: a short assessment of the situation regarding the position of women and men in the public authority, ie the employer, including the age, list of special measures, the reasons for the Determining special measures and goals that are achieved, the beginning of implementation, method of implementation and control and termination of special measures.
When does the employer submit a report on activities?
The public authority, ie the employer responsible for the realization of the activities established by the Action Plan, is obliged to submit to the Ministry report on realized activities until January 31 to the current year.
What should report contain?
The report should include a rating of the state of gender equality for which public authorities or employers are responsible, the results of realized activities according to the initial and target value, data on financial resources and recommendations in order to improve gender equality in the field that the report relates to.
Data on the implementation of a plan or program in the part relating to realization of gender equality, are an integral part of the annual report on the implementation of the annual plan or program adopted by public authorities and the authorities of the employer.
In addition to the completed form whose appearance prescribes the report containing the statement of gender equality in the employer, including the reasons why the equitable representation of women and men part of the employer bodies, if this representation is not realized.
Public authorities and employers whose annual reports on the implementation of the plan or programs are not publicly available, the Ministry shall notify the Ministry, and to inform the annual report on the annual implementation of the plan or program – the part that relates To exercise gender equality, no later than 30 days from the day of its adoption, in order to inform and monitor the implementation of planned activities in that area.
Public authorities and employers whose reports are publicly available, they are obliged to submit a notice of the newsletter, ie the website where the report was published, within 30 days from the date of adoption.
How should the required forms look like?
At the moment, on 08.09.2021. year, there are still no publicly available patterns that will be lectured by the Ministry, nor clearly provided for employers’ obligations in terms of filling such forms.
Until adequate patterns, employers will be forced to submit their reports with the help of a lawyer or other person who possesses enough knowledge for reporting reports.
For all doubts, you can contact our office.
Who supervises the law enforcement?
Ministry in charge of work and employment, and inspection supervision of labor inspections.