Law office Todorović

  • 2001(2001–2005)

    Beginnings and Establishment

    The Todorović Law Office was established in 2001 in Kikinda when Dragan Todorović graduated attorney and at the same year after 17 years of work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, decided to open his private practice. In particular, at that time Dragan Todorović was quite experienced legal person, which has rather rich experience in sphere of state administration with references to the works connected with the international and cross border legal cooperation. In the initial years the firm offered services in criminal law and commercial law more specifically Todorović found his niche in economic crime.
  • 2006(2006–2010)

    Expansion and Professional Growth

    During this period the law office also developed and extended its area of jurisdiction in Kikinda and Serbia. Maddies 23 years of experience as an employed officer was most evidenced by Dragans Todorović that performed the duties of an attorney representing clients in legal actions before national courts and other institutions. The law firm started signing cooperation agreements with offices of the same specialty from other countries and started acting on behalf of Serbian and foreign clients. During this period the office witnessed gradual development and become an effective and a stable counterpart in the areas of economic crime and criminal proceedings.
  • 2011(2011–2015)

    The Arrival of Aleksandar Todorović and Generational Transition

    From this period we got big change because son of Dragan Todorović, Aleksandar Todorović began to work in this law firm after finishing his study at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad. Aleksandar had fresh ideas, new inspiration with optimism, openness and effective energy for European human rights law. His commitment towards innovations and special focus on Human rights helped the firm to globalize particularly in handling clients matters in European Court of Human Rights. In this period the office has also responsible more for academic activities due to Aleksandar’s research and conference presentations.
  • 2016(2016–2020)

    Consolidation and Father-Son Collaboration

    Since 2016, the Todorović Law Office became more of a permanent intergenerational cooperation between the two generations of attorneys, who can now combine the knowledge and the skills when delivering legal services. Dragan Todorović stayed up the criminal and commercial law area while Aleksandar was participating in the significant share of the work connected with representing clients before the European courts, especially in the sphere of human rights. Such combination of different approaches and legal specialties let the firm received the recognition and respect on Serbian and international levels. At the same time, the firm developed its dominance in the region implementing actions to enhance its image through publishment, involving in public discussions, legal forums, and academic writing. Aleksandar Todorović joined some of the established professional organizations inclusive of the Legal Academy, of Vojvodina Bar Association and also the editorial board of the “Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine.” On the other hand, the other lawyer of the firm, Dragan Todorović, established a reputation of handling difficult criminal and commercial litigation on behalf of the clients.
  • 2021(2021–2024)

    Modern Operations and International Presence

    Over the last few years, the firm has even intensively expanded its presence in the international market. Thanks to Aleksandar Todorović work in European law and human right the firm has received still more prominence in the over-all legal map. Today they defend clients not only in Serbia, but at the European level more specifically and in matters concerning Human Rights. Also, the firm has widened its cooperation with other legal firms through the business cooperation agreements whereby it has spread throughout the Republic of Serbia. Today, the Todorović Law Office is known in Serbia and, more so, in the international environment with specific emphasize on the European law and human rights.
  • ConclusionConclusion
    In the past 20 years the Todorović Law Office has grown both professionally and experientially – from a mid sized criminal and commercial law firm to an active and highly specialized legal firm involved in a number of international legal questionings within the realm of European human rights law. Sensitivity towards business requirements, together with university background and international exposure of Aleksandar Todorović has strengthened the facade of the firm as one of the leading law firms, operating in the specialized areas of law, as represented by Dragan Todorović.